• By:
Remember – conflict creates tension

Doesn’t it seem like you have to be in the mood to write? This is a creative endeavor, after all, we can’t produce creativity on demand. Can we? Well, yes if we train ourselves that way.

It’s like any other creative pursuit – we must commit ourselves to the craft. You’ve heard the advice –

  • Prepare a writing desk
  • Go to your desk at the same time every day
  • Write. Write something.

Repeat and repeat. It builds the habit, which is really just training our brain. When our brain knows it’s time to write, it will produce.

In the next several posts, I’m going to share some things about my own personal writing journey. What worked, what I had to let go, what didn’t work and what I’m working on. It’s time I put my own advice into practice.

And I hope you’ll share your journey as well. We can all learn from each other.

Author: editor

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